Getting started
Bootstrap Admin Ui lets you build your Bootstrap admin panels using Sylius and Symfony UX.
Last updated
Bootstrap Admin Ui lets you build your Bootstrap admin panels using Sylius and Symfony UX.
Last updated
This package lets you set up the content of the AdminUi package templates.
Install the package using Composer and Symfony Flex:
CRUD templates are split into configurable blocks.
You can add new blocks, disable existing ones, or reorder them using the TwigHooks package.
This package sets up the template content needed to create a new resource.
This adds configurable blocks to the @SyliusAdminUi/crud/create.html.twig
Overview of the blocks
Overview of the block templates
This package sets up the template content needed to list resources.
This adds configurable blocks to the @SyliusAdminUi/crud/index.html.twig
Overview of the blocks
This package sets up the template content needed to show resource details.
This adds configurable blocks to the @SyliusAdminUi/crud/show.html.twig
Overview of the blocks