Getting started

Twig Hooks are a robust and powerful alternative to the Sonata Block Events and the old Sylius Template Events systems.

Main features

  • built-in support for Twig templates, Twig Components and Symfony Live Components

  • adjustability

  • autoprefixing hooks

  • configurable hookables

  • priority mechanism

  • easy enable/disable mechanism for each hook


Install the package using Composer and Symfony Flex:

composer require sylius/twig-hooks

Your first hook & hookable

Once Twig Hooks is installed, you can open any Twig file and define your first hook.

{% hook 'my_first_hook' %}

This way, my_first_hook becomes a unique name which we can use to hook into that specific spot.

The ideal hook name:

  • is lowercase

  • has its logical parts separated with dots (.)

  • when there is more than one word, they are separated by underscores (_)


  • index

  • index.sidebar

  • index.top_menu

Not recommended:

  • index

  • indextopmenu

Hooking into a hook

For the purpose of this example, let's consider we want to render the some_block.html.twig template inside the my_first_hook hook. First step is to create a twig_hooks.yaml file (or any other format you use) under the config/packages/ directory (if you don't have one already, of course).

Now, we can define our first hookable with the following configuration:

                template: 'some_block.html.twig'

Decomposing the example above we can notice that:

  1. sylius_twig_hooks is the main key for Twig Hooks configuration

  2. hooks is a configuration key for defining hookables for all hooks

  3. my_first_hook is our hook name, defined on the Twig file level

  4. some_block is the name of our hookable, it can be any string, but it should be unique for a given hook unless you want to override the existing hookable (if you want to read more about overriding hookables check the section)

  5. finally we have a template key that defines which template should be rendered inside the my_first_hook hook

Possible hookable configuration options

Depending on the hookable template, we can pass different configuration options while defining hookables:

                template: 'some_block.html.twig'
                enabled: true # whether the hookable is enabled
                context: [] # key-value pair that will be passed to the context bag
                configuration: [] # key-value pair that will be passed to the configuration bag
                priority: 0 # priority, the higher the number, the earlier the hookable will be hooked

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