
Processors process data: send an email, persist to storage, add to queue etc.

Default processors

When your resource is a Doctrine entity, there are default processors which are already configured to your operations.

As it uses the Doctrine repository configured on your resource, it will automatically flush data for you.








bulk delete


Custom processors

Custom processors are useful to customize your logic to send an email, persist data to storage, add to queue and for an advanced usage such as an hexagonal architecture.

Example #1: Sending an email after persisting data

As an example, send an email after customer registration

namespace App\Sylius\State\Processor;

use Sylius\Component\Customer\Model\CustomerInterface;
use Sylius\Resource\Doctrine\Common\State\PersistProcessor;
use Sylius\Resource\State\ProcessorInterface;

final class CreateCustomerProcessor implements ProcessorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CommandBusInterface $commandBus,
        private PersistProcessor $decorated,
    ) {

    public function process(mixed $data, Operation $operation, Context $context): mixed
        Assert::isInstanceOf($data, Customer::class);
        $this->decorated->process($data, $operation, $context);

        // Here your logic to send a registration email.
        $this->commandBus->dispatch(new SendRegistrationEmailCommand(new CustomerId($data->id)));

        return null;

Use this processor on your operation.


namespace App\Entity\Customer;

use App\Sylius\State\Processor\CreateCustomerProcessor;
use Sylius\Resource\Metadata\AsResource;
use Sylius\Resource\Metadata\Create;
use Sylius\Resource\Model\ResourceInterface;

#[Create(processor: CreateCustomerProcessor::class)]
final class BoardGameResource implements ResourceInterface

Example #2: Use a custom delete processor

As another example, let's configure a DeleteBoardGameProcessor on a BoardGameResource which is not a Doctrine entity.


namespace App\BoardGameBlog\Infrastructure\Sylius\State\Processor;

final class DeleteBoardGameProcessor implements ProcessorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CommandBusInterface $commandBus,
    ) {

    public function process(mixed $data, Operation $operation, Context $context): mixed
        Assert::isInstanceOf($data, BoardGameResource::class);

        $this->commandBus->dispatch(new DeleteBoardGameCommand(new BoardGameId($data->id)));

        return null;

Use this processor on your operation.


namespace App\BoardGameBlog\Infrastructure\Sylius\Resource;

use Sylius\Resource\Metadata\AsResource;
use Sylius\Resource\Metadata\Delete;
use Sylius\Resource\Model\ResourceInterface;

    alias: 'app.board_game',
    section: 'admin',
    formType: BoardGameType::class,
    templatesDir: 'crud',
    routePrefix: '/admin',
#[Delete(processor: DeleteBoardGameProcessor::class)]
final class BoardGameResource implements ResourceInterface

Note that in a delete operation, you can disable providing data. See Disable providing data chapter.

Disable processing data

In some cases, you may want not to write data.

For example, you can implement a preview for the updated data without saving them into your storage.


namespace App\BoardGameBlog\Infrastructure\Sylius\Resource;

use App\BoardGameBlog\Infrastructure\Sylius\State\Http\Provider\BoardGameItemProvider;
use App\BoardGameBlog\Infrastructure\Symfony\Form\Type\BoardGameType;
use Sylius\Resource\Metadata\AsResource;
use Sylius\Resource\Metadata\Update;
use Sylius\Resource\Model\ResourceInterface;

    alias: 'app.board_game',
    section: 'admin',
    formType: BoardGameType::class,
    templatesDir: 'crud',
    routePrefix: '/admin',
    shortName: 'update_preview',
    provider: BoardGameItemProvider::class,
    write: false,    
final class BoardGameResource implements ResourceInterface

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