Creating Resources
This section is deprecated. However, as of now, the Sylius E-Commerce project is still resorting to this configuration so you might want to check it out.
To display a form, handle its submission or to create a new resource via API, you should use the createAction of your service.
Done! Now when you go to /books/new
, the ResourceController will use the factory (
) to create a new book instance. Then it will try to create an app_book
form, and set the newly created book as its data.
Submitting the Form
You can use exactly the same route to handle the submit of the form and create the book.
On submit, the create action with method POST, will bind the request on the form, and if it is valid it will use the right manager to persist the resource. Then, by default it redirects to app_book_show
to display the created book, but you can easily change that behavior - you'll see this in further sections.
When validation fails, it will render the form just like previously with the error messages displayed.
Changing the Template
Just like for the show and index actions, you can customize the template per route.
Using Custom Form
You can also use custom form type on per route basis. Following Symfony3 conventions forms types are resolved by FQCN. Below you can see the usage for specifying a custom form.
Passing Custom Options to Form
What happens when you need pass some options to the form? Well, there's a configuration for that!
Below you can see the usage for specifying custom options, in this case, validation_groups
, but you can pass any option accepted by the form.
Using Custom Factory Method
By default, ResourceController
will use the createNew
method with no arguments to create a new instance of your object. However, this behavior can be modified. To use a different method of your factory, you can simply configure the factory
Additionally, if you want to provide your custom method with arguments from the request, you can do so by adding more parameters.
With this configuration, $factory->createNewWithAuthor($request->get('author'))
will be called to create new resource within the createAction
Using Custom Factory Service
If you would like to use your own service to create the resource, then try the following configuration:
With this configuration, service with id "app.factory.custom_book_factory" will be called to create new resource within the createNewByAuthorId
method and the author id from the url as argument.
Custom Redirect After Success
By default the controller will try to get the id of the newly created resource and redirect to the "show" route. You can easily change that behaviour. For example, to redirect to the index list after successfully creating a new resource - you can use the following configuration.
You can also perform more complex redirects, with parameters. For example:
In addition to the request parameters, you can access some of the newly created objects properties, using the resource.
With this configuration, the title
parameter for route app_book_show
will be obtained from your newly created book.
Custom Event Name
By default, there are two events dispatched during resource creation, one before adding it do database, the other after successful addition. The pattern is always the same - {applicationName}.{resourceName}.pre/post_create
. However, you can customize the last part of the event, to provide your own action name.
This way, you can listen to
events. It's especially useful, when you use ResourceController:createAction
in more than one route.
Configuration Reference
Remember that you can use controller's Fully Qualified Class Name (App\Controller\BookController
) instead of id
Last updated